#11F, “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”

The Spanish “11 de Febrero” initiative was born on September 2016 to commemorate the “International Day of Women and Girls in Science”.

According to the website https://11defebrero.org/, the initiative calls people, institutions, companies, schools, libraries, etc. to organize activities close to the 11th of February, announcing them on a web page (11defebrero.org) and on its social networks. The webpage offers as well a wealth of materials freely available to use in their activities.

In the IES VILLANUEVA, (Villanueva de Gallego, Zaragoza) we have carried out a research project about famous female scientists with the students of 2º ESO.

Resultado de imagen de ADA LOVELACE KIDSResultado de imagen de MARIE CURIE KIDSResultado de imagen de JANE GOODALL KIDSResultado de imagen de SALLY RIDE KIDS








Here you have got some pics of the session. It was really interesting.

Happy #11F!!