Pole project is aimed to use and practise English language  in other subjects different from English lessons.

This year, students in 4th year are going to practise English in a didactic unit of Technology, Robotics. Rest of students are going to work on inventors and inventions field. There is a schedule of activities which are due to be done from January to May.

All news about the different activities will be posted here.

We start in January with a survey about the previous knowledge you have about the topics of the Pole project.

Students of 3rd and 4th year are preparing a speech and a presentation about British and American inventions and inventors.

This project also includes an e-Twinning project, Energy for Life. Students are going to work with other students from different countries in Europe.

Teachers involved in Pole project are : Rubén García, Technology teacher and Beatriz Carrero & Ana Belén Egea, English teachers.

Be ready …! The project is about to happen !




Ana & Bea.







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